WSRA Reading Council Professional
Development Series
April 24, 2025
"Using Storytelling to Teach History and Culture"
Wisconsin Author Chia Gounza Vang
WSRA is now taking submissions of manuscripts for the WSRA Journal.
Consider submitting:
- Research Articles
- Teaching Tips or Teaching Strategies
- Professional or Children's Book Reviews
- Informative articles that focus on
- Multilingual Learners
- Early Intervention
- Writing
- And More!
WSRA will celebrate 70 years at the
2026 WSRA Conference
February 5-6, 2026
in Milwaukee at the Baird Center
Submit Your Proposal to Present Today!
WSRA Fall Update Newsletter is now available. |

In this WSRA Update:
- WSRA President's Message
- Upcoming WSRA Local Council Virtual Professional Development Series
- A Call to Action: Recruit New Members!
- Attention Retired Educators
- Wisconsin State Reading Association Committee Work: An Opportunity to Share Your Expertise
- Elementary Reading Committee Shares Insightful Book Reviews for Professional Growth
- WSRA State Council Coordinator Update
- 2024 Conference Highlights Developing our Expertise and Honoring Literacy Excellence in Action
- Research Grounds Us!
Fact Checking the Science of Reading
Free access and download to this text, Fact Checking the Science of Reading: Opening Up the Conversation
"Rob Tierney and P David Pearson explore the validity of claims associated with the Science of Reading as they have appeared in social media, the popular press, and academic works.
The book offers a comprehensive review of these claims—analyzing the evidence, reasoning, assumptions, and consequences associated with each claim—and closes with ideas for moving beyond the debates to greater consensus or accommodation of differences. The book is a must read for educators involved in teaching reading, as well as parents, policy makers, and other stakeholders."
"Toward Comprehensive, Research-Informed Literacy Instruction: Thinking With, Against, and Beyond the Science of Reading"
Sponsored by the Ithaca College Department of Education, February 22, 2024
2024 Ithaca College Educational Freedom Lecture
Featuring Maren Aukerman
Recording of the 2024 Spring Educational Freedom Lecture at Ithaca College, featuring Dr. Maren Aukerman, Werklund Research Professor at the University of Calgary
Science of Reading Unpacked Podcast on FreshEd
with Elena Aydarova
Elena unpacks how the Science of Reading has been used to push an agenda of standardization and privatization.
Elena Aydarova, an assistant professor in the educational policy studies department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She has two recent publications on the science of reading: One in Harvard Educational Review entitled “‘Whatever you want to call it’: Science of Reading Mythologies in the Education Reform Movement” and a second article in the American Journal of Education entitled “What you see is not what you get: Science of reading reforms as a guise for standardization, centralization, and privatization.”
Debunking SoR Neuroscience Claims Webinar
From April 24, 2024 - with Dr. Steven Strauss
Sponsored by the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)
Dr. Steven Strauss, an MD in Neurology and PhD in Linguistics shares his critical analysis of the false neuroscience and linguistic claims promoted by the Science of Reading. Insights from experts in neuroscience, linguistics and biliteracy are the focus of this Webinar.
Dr. Steven Strauss answers questions following his webinar,"Debunking Science of Reading Neuroscience Claims"
Presented by Dr. Steven Strauss
Sponsored by the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)
From June 4, 2024 - with Dr. Robert J Tierney and Dr. P David Pearson
Sponsored by the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)
Tierney and Pearson highlight the information and claims associated with the Science of Reading as they have appeared in social media, the popular press, and academic works from their book, Fact-Checking The Science of Reading.
Join a WSRA Local Council!
WSRA's work is extended through local councils which engage in charitable and educational activities and initiatives consistent with the mission of the Association. Network with other literacy experts in your area. Consider joining your local council!
Visit our Local Councils' Pages for more information.
WSRA's Mission
The Wisconsin State Reading Association provides leadership, advocacy, and professional learning for implementing effective literacy practices, understanding the complex nature of literacy, honoring the unique needs of our diverse students, and engaging them to apply their literacies in meaningful ways in a changing world.
WSRA's Beliefs
Expertise Matters!
Research Grounds Us!
Literacy is a complex process requiring a comprehensive approach and a mindset shift.
Contact Information for WSRA!
(Use for Special Events Coordinator, Administrative Assistant or General WSRA Information)
If you are trying to reach us, please contact: Email: Phone: 262-825-7109
Every child in Wisconsin deserves comprehensive, responsive literacy instruction from a discerning literacy professional.
When you give to WSRA, your support contributes to the work of our members who touch the lives of teachers, students, and families across the state.
Every dollar you give makes a difference
Our regular annual membership
Available to full-time
undergraduate students
To mail an application, download a PDF of